Sunday, May 30, 2010

Cardboard Chair Project!

The last project I did in college that I got really interested in was the cardboard chair project. It was a project I did with Karl and Emmet. After looking around on the net for a few days I noticed that an awful lot of the chairs were really square and boxy. So when setting out to design the chair, I decided I wanted a chair that wasn't going to be square. I played around with different shapes for awhile triangles, pyrimids, circles, ect.
My final design was a circle with a semi-circle cut out of it as the seat.

This was my proto type. The legs were a problem as they were weak so when you say on it they folded out and weren't any use. To solve this we just decided to scrape the legs all together and make a CARDBOARD ROCKING CHAIR!

This was the final chair!

I'm back...

...Hi....thought I'd start posting here again. Its been awhile since I've posted anything, where to start. Hmm guess I'll post stuff I did in college over the last while and stuff I intend on doing this summer!
I found this teddy bear on the side of the road awhile ago and it made me sad! I call him Nunchuck! I hope he's in a better place now!